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Know Your WORTH

Knowing your worth is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else. It’s your internal measure of how you value yourself REGARDLESS of what other people might think of you or say to you. 

Know Your Worth - Manifesto Deconstructed

A personal manifesto is a declaration of your beliefs, a powerful set of statements. It can be your tool to keep you mindful of your actions on the road to success. Every month we take one of these statements apart and explore it a bit further. This month, we are discovering what it means to truly... 

Know your worth

So why is it important?

Know Your Worth To Make Better Decisions

 Know Your Worth To make better decisions - silhouette of a woman with choices

Knowing your worth is an insurance policy for your mental well-being and affects every aspect of your life. Low confidence makes us doubt our abilities. It prevents us from setting ambitious goals and having the resolve to go after them. This all can lead to a poor quality of life. When you know your worth, you TRUST yourself and the decisions you make. You have more confidence and don’t question yourself, hence you can act quickly and seize opportunities as they happen

Know Your Worth So That People Treat You The Way You Deserve To Be Treated

Lighthouse image - self-worth abstract concept

This is especially important in our personal relationships but also applies to workplaces. Stop settling. I’m not saying it ALL starts with you because there are some truly horrible people out there that will never see you for who you are and will always treat you unfairly or plain wrong.

But here’s the thing… Self-worth is self-respect which leads to stronger self-esteem.

Your stronger self-respect and self-esteem will allow you to identify those awful people who try to tear you down. You are then better equipped to deal with them, you know you don’t have to settle in this situation. That is because you know your true worth no matter what they try to make you believe. And that gives you CONFIDENCE. This higher confidence level helps you leave a bad partner or a bad job, or any other place where you feel unappreciated… because YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER.

Know Your Worth To Grow

Let’s be clear about one thing, though...

let the adventure beging

Knowing your worth is not a scapegoat for an entitlement. 

It doesn’t mean that you one day you decide you are perfect and deserve so much more than what you already have. That’s not the point at all.

If anything, it’s an EMPOWERMENT to SELF-GROWTH!

As always, you need to be HONEST with yourself. Make a realistic assessment of who you are and that includes areas that can be improved and worked on. We are constantly evolving. Recognizing areas of improvement, working on bad habits, and introducing new, good ones will ultimately take your self-worth to a new level. That's right! It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Always Remember To Know Your Worth

So that’s the second unpacking of the Manifesto print. Last month we discussed how YOU Shape Your Life and you can read about it here.

Personal Manifesto Grip personalized print in a modern boho style room

Each statement on your Manifesto holds the power to either provide guidance when you need it or maybe infuse positivity or inspiration into your day. For now, remember, YOU set the value you bring in to the world, your relationships, your work, your conversations. Sometimes though, when chaos reigns in our lives, we can easily forget the strengths we possess. Display your Manifesto, which comes with YOUR NAME on it, where you can see it and let it be your compass and guiding force on your journey of achieving everything YOU KNOW YOU DESERVE!


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Best Quotes About Self-Worth

Here are a few quotes we found that resonate with the self-worth topic that we love. Pin them, print them, journal them 😊

If they don’t already look at you like you’re magic… disappear. She remembered who she was and the game changed.
Bending over backwards does not bring you the love and attention you crave, but having your own life, your own goals and a backbone will. Know your worth and add tax
Know your worth and stop giving people discounts The day she chose to strip herself of everyone else’s opinions was the first time she knew strength, held courage, and felt beauty. That was the day when she finally understood what it meant to be free.


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Other posts from Manifesto Deconstructed blog series:

YOU Shape Your Life

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 Anna xoxo signature


confidence growth know your worth manifesto personal growth personal manifesto quotes self development self-worth

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