We’ve ALL been here before…
We decide to hit a REFRESH button on OURSELVES!
And then... sometime later... our frenemy shows up. First name Self, last name Sabotage… Oh, hello there... 😒 😣
So while most face the fact that 80% of New Year resolutions fail by February, YOU can find inspiration YEAR-ROUND to give yourself the best chance at reaching your goals!
“I just don’t have enough time” ~ “I’m just not ready yet” ~ “It’s too difficult” ~ “I’m afraid of making a mistake” ~ “I’m afraid what others might think” ~ “It isn’t the right time” ~ “People are holding me back”
Our go-to excuses. And we’ve all said some of this ( among other negative stuff ) to ourselves.
True or False? Excuses are great! After all, they make us feel better about why we are abandoning our goals.
The excuses we tell ourselves keep us stuck. Instead, we must take OWNERSHIP of our success.
Find Inspiration All Year Long
I’ve decided to do something a bit different in this post. I’ve been meaning to make a proper grand release for the two Manifestos, our personalized prints, and one of my goals is to really unpackage them by speaking to each statement on them every single month… realizing that it will lead me well into 2020 but I think it’s worth it! Each statement holds power to either provide guidance when you need it or maybe infuse positivity or inspiration into your day.
And because it’s the beginning of a New Year, and we’re talking about taking OWNERSHIP, it’s the perfect time to speak to the very first statement:
How Self Sabotage Kicks In
When we abandon our goals, we react by feeling underachieved. You know, what I'm talking about here...You start thinking that others, who accomplish something that you couldn't, must be stronger than you and you are just too weak. An atmosphere of self-doubt or denial sets in. It leaves us with not enough drive or dedication… so we stop. Demotivated. Frustrated. Or worse, oblivious to the fact that all this time we could have had control if we only believed in ourselves a bit more. That self-sabotage really isn’t working in our favor, girl.
Life is too short and we know this but sometimes we're living our lives like we have all the time in the world. We don’t. Always pushing and procrastinating to next Monday, month, year… you are wasting precious time while fooling yourself that you are in control.
One More Thing About Those Excuses...
The excuses we give ourselves are based on our belief system. We BELIEVE certain things about ourselves and these beliefs manifest themselves through our actions. That’s why we CANNOT give in to excuses. That's why to succeed in any change in your life, you need to silence those negative, limiting thoughts, like the ones at the beginning of this post and...
You Need To SHIFT Your Mindset
You have to re-wire your belief system and to do that you need to start telling yourself a different set of thoughts.
Do it often enough and you will actually change your habitual thinking. And to do it often enough, you need reminders. If you’re familiar with affirmations, you may be leaving notes for yourself where you can easily see them every day. Well, we’ve got something much bigger than that... and not just affirmations! Our manifestos have just the right amount of not only affirmation but also positive attitude, guiding words, action words, words that propel you to live a better life. Establish empowering habits. Abandon self-doubt.
Be Your Own Life Coach
Umm, let’s be honest. Not all of us have the type of moola to afford a life coach to help us get through the tough times... we sort of have to become our own life coaches. So when we catch ourselves slipping, the manifesto can provide a bit of a pep talk with ourselves. Facing new challenges, we sometimes just need to have something right to say to ourselves, and that does not always come easily from within without assistance. Especially when your mind is already preoccupied with trying to deal with the situation or already on a downward slope into the "I can't" world...
Having inspiration around you at that point becomes crucial to lifting your spirit. Words have real power. Words can influence your thoughts. A daily dose of inspiration can become an encouraging force in your world.
While you focus on the specific things you want to achieve, your personal manifesto will be the guiding force on the journey to achieve your goals. Simply put it is the declaration of your life’s core beliefs. It can be your tool to keep you mindful of your actions on the road to success.
On a hard day, a piece of inspiration can make all the difference. When faced with a challenge and in search for advice, reading one of your own core values can make you understand better a choice you are about to make.
Another thing about OWNERSHIP - our Manifestos are PERSONALIZED PRINTS. So you can add your name to the bottom of the print as if you were signing off on these words. They truly become YOUR words to live by!
Who Are The Manifestos For?
The Manifestos are for the go-getters, the ones who always want to improve some aspect of their lives. You don’t need to be a goal-setting ninja. You may not even set goals at all. But you OWN your yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you believe that you have the power to actualize the life you want and you are always looking for a new way forward; then the Personal Manifesto is for you. Because you already believe that YOU Shape Your Life.
P.S. Display your manifesto in a way that it will be part of your day. It’s a collective of truths you want to live by and it holds a significance that other art does not. Make sure it’s where you can see it so that it can remind you of who you want to be.
Wishing you the best in 2018,
Other posts from Manifesto Deconstructed blog series: